State University with Accreditation A in Surabaya

State University with Accreditation A in Surabaya

State University with Accreditation A in Surabaya – The city of Surabaya is one of the cities that many people go to to continue their education. It is clear, this city does have many choices of schools and campuses. Many state and private campuses in the city of Surabaya have A accreditation, you know. So, here are the 10 best universities in Surabaya with A accreditation that you can use as a reference when choosing a campus. Don’t be careless in choosing a campus because what you choose can determine your future. The residents of the city of Surabaya are very lucky because in their city there are various quality public and private campuses.

The following A-accredited private universities in Surabaya might be your reference for getting a college that suits your wishes. Private universities are sometimes used as an alternative if you do not pass the selection to enter a state university. However, the quality of the following private universities in Surabaya is no less good than state universities. So you don’t need to be discouraged about enrolling at one of the universities below. Anything? Let’s see in full below.

University of Surabaya

University of Surabaya (Ubaya) is a continuation campus of Trisakti University Surabaya which was founded in 1966. Then, its name was changed to University of Surabaya in 1968. To carry out teaching and learning activities, this campus is located in several places, namely Ngagel, Rungkut, and Trawas.

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Surabaya State University

Surabaya State University (Unesa) was founded on December 19 1964. The motto of this university is “Growing with Character”. To date, UNESA has 7 faculties spread across 2 campus complexes, namely Ketintang and Lidah Wetan.

University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya

Universitas 17 August Surabaya (Untag) is a private campus founded by the 17 August Higher Education Foundation in 1958. Untag Surabaya has educational levels from Diploma 3 (D3), Bachelor (S1), Masters (S2) and Doctoral (S3) programs ). Private campuses are also among the best campuses, you know. How can studying at a private campus still be cool, huh?

East Java Veterans National Development University

For those of you who live in the Rungkut area and its surroundings, this could be your target for UPN “Veteran” East Java. The UPN “Veteran” East Java Campus is located on Jalan Raya Rungkut Madya no. 1, Mount Anyar. Until 2020, this campus has 7 faculties with 21 study programs.

Ciputra University Surabaya

Ciputra University Surabaya is one of the best private institutions that produces entrepreneurship graduates. Since its founding in 2006, Ciputra University has successfully established 10 study programs and currently has 13 undergraduate study programs and 1 postgraduate study program.

Airlangga University

Airlangga University occupies first position in the city of Surabaya. Airlangga University was founded on November 10 1954 on Heroes’ Day. Located in the Gubeng area of ​​Surabaya, this campus is known as one of the most popular campuses in Surabaya. Currently Airlangga University has 14 faculties and 1 graduate school located on three campuses.

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

No less than previous universities, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology or better known as ITS is the next best campus in Surabaya. This campus is a science and technology-based campus that has been established since 1957. ITS offers 39 majors in 7 superior faculties.

Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya

Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (UKWMS) is a national university which was founded on September 20 1960. The superior programs offered are varied, such as Food Technology, Chemical Engineering, and so on.

Sunan Ampel State Islamic University

Do you want to study at an Islamic campus? Wow, you must get to know UINSA. Sunan Ampel State Islamic University or abbreviated as UINSA is an Islamic university located in Wonocolo District, Surabaya. The name UINSA was inspired by a figure who preached Islam in Indonesia, namely Sunan Ampel. Just like several other UINs, UINSA requires its students to enter a dormitory for a year.

Petra Christian University

Petra Christian University is one of the universities in Surabaya which has been established since 1951. Going back to the history of its founding, the name “Petra” is taken from Greek which means “Rock”. The educational programs offered at this campus include postgraduate and undergraduate (S1) programs with six faculties.

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